Attention Mac Users
Apple will release macOS 15 (Sequoia) on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Finale v27 is not compatible with Sequoia and will not be updated.

For more information:
macOS 15 Sequoia and Finale Notation Products
Disabling Automatic macOS Updates

A Computer ID (also known as a User Code in Finale v25 and earlier) is a unique code generated by Finale’s Authorization Wizard to identify the computer being authorized. Although this code contains no personal information about you or your computer, each one is unique to a specific computer.

Where can I find the User Code/Computer ID?

These codes are generated by Finale's Authorization Wizard. Depending on what version of Finale you are using, how you get this code can vary slightly. For Finale 2014.5 and earlier you can get the code in the Website or Phone Authorization Windows.  

  1. To start this process you will need to be in the Authorization Wizard inside the Notation Software. If the Authorization Wizard is not on your screen, from the Help menu, click Register/Authorize Finale to bring it up.
  2. In the Wizard, choose the "Website..." method of registration. In versions 2009 and later, the internet method must be attempted first before you can select the "Website..." method.
  3. After choosing "Website...", hit the Next button to proceed to the phone registration page. At the top of this window you will see a place to enter your serial number, and below it your software registration user code.

To get the code in Finale v25 and later, after attempting to authorize through the Authorization Wizard and the internet connection fails, choose the Continue option. The next page will then present the User Code/Computer ID and have a field for the Authorization Code. 

*In versions 2006 and earlier, this wizard will be labeled as the Registration Wizard.


Please note that though some earlier versions of Finale reference a telephone method of authorization, Finale support is exclusively online as of early 2017. You can reach out to our Finale support team online for help generating an authorization code.