The Finale for Windows installer is delivered in a compressed zip folder. If you see the message Setup Needs the Next Disk* during installation, in most cases this means the compressed .zip file was not extracted (or decompressed) properly. Third-party programs such as WinZip, 7-Zip, WinRAR, and others may not extract the files properly, so we recommend using Windows File Explorer's built-in file extraction tools for best results.
* Despite what the phrasing of this message may imply, you do not need a physical installation disk. Since the release of v26, Finale has been available exclusively via download.
To properly extract the Finale installer:
- Open the Downloads folder in File Explorer and locate the compressed file named
For more information about finding your Downloads folder, see Find my downloads in Windows 10 - Right-click and select Open With. A dialog box appears asking, How do you want to open this file?
- Select File Explorer from the dialog box and click OK. A new File Explorer window opens.
- Under the Extract tab, select the Extract All button. The Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box appears.
- Click Extract. A progress bar appears showing the progress of the extraction. Once complete, a new File Explorer window appears.
- Double-click the file FinaleSetup.exe to launch the Finale Bundle Installer.
Windows 11
Windows 10 and 8.1
Windows 7
In some cases, you may also see this message if .exe or .bin files within the .zip folder have been renamed, moved, or otherwise altered.
In order for the installer to be successful, the three files FinaleSetup.exe, FinaleSetup-1.bin, and FinaleSetup-2.bin must all be extracted as detailed above and all three files must be located in the same folder when you run FinaleSetup.exe.
If you are still running into the same error after following these instructions, please contact Customer Support by clicking Submit a request above.