Attention Mac Users
Apple will release macOS 15 (Sequoia) on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Finale v27 is not compatible with Sequoia and will not be updated.

For more information:
macOS 15 Sequoia and Finale Notation Products
Disabling Automatic macOS Updates

Register a Garritan library purchased from a dealer other than MakeMusic. If you purchased directly from MakeMusic's website, then registration is completed automatically and you skip ahead to downloading.

  1. Navigate to and select My Account.
  2. Login or create your MakeMusic account.
  3. On the My Software page, choose Register More Products.
  4. Select your Ownership type (Individual or Organization) and type the serial number provided by your dealer. Click Register.
  5. Your activation keycard appears on-screen. You'll need this for the Activation process below, so right-click and save this image as or drag & drop it onto your Desktop

Download your Garritan library from your MakeMusic account. Then locate the Garritan .zip file in your Downloads folder.

  1. Navigate to the My Software page.
  2. Click the Download icon located to the right of the product serial number.
  3. Select Mac or Windows.
  4. The download starts automatically once the next page loads. Don't proceed until the file has been fully downloaded.

Install by extracting/decompressing the .zip file you downloaded and running the installer.

  1. Open your computer's Downloads folder (Windows / Mac).
  2. Locate the .zip file containing your installer. (Example:
  3. Extract or "unzip" the file by right-clicking and choosing Extract All (Windows) or double-click ing the file (Mac).
  4. Once complete, open the extracted/unzipped folder and double-click the .exe installer (Windows) or double-click .pkg installer (Mac).
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the library.
  6. Reboot your computer.

Activate your Garritan library following installation using your personalized activation keycard, which can be downloaded from your MakeMusic account. If you registered per the instructions above, you may have already download the keycard.

  1. Launch the stand-alone ARIA Player by double-clicking the desktop icon (Windows) or by opening the Applications folder (Mac).
    • Note for CFX Concert Grand and CFX Lite users: These libraries come with their own standalone players instead of the ARIA Player.
  2. When prompted to download the activation keycard, click Yes. The Garritan website launches in a browser. (If you already downloaded the keycard during registration, click No and skip to step 7).
  3. Click My Account and login, if prompted.
  4. On the My Software page, click Generate Keycard located to the right of your Garritan serial number. The keycard appears as an image file in a new dialog box.
  5. Save the keycard image to your desktop by right-clicking (Windows) or CONTROL+clicking (Mac) the keycard image and choosing Save Image As. The keycard is saved a .png file.
  6. Close the website and return to the ARIA Player.
  7. Using your mouse, drag and drop the keycard icon from your Desktop onto the open ARIA Player window. A message appears confirming activation.

Note: the following section is not necessary if Finale was installed prior to installing the Garritan library.


If you would like to set up your new Garritan library with a Finale notation product please use the link below.


Setting Up Garritan Libraries with Finale.

For additional information on installation or activation of your new Garritan library, please use the knowledge base article links below.


Setup and Installation


Sales and Activation