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El Capitan

I generated a post yesterday which I don't see.  I asked whether anyone else crashed when trying to globally replace expressions.

Today I'd like to address part creation.  Rehearsal marks are missing in certain parts, not in others.  Same for tempo marks.  No reason there should be a difference part to part:  all produced from the same file at the same time; no individual part file ever tampered with to account for discrepancy.  Totally arbitrary.  Sometimes the expression is just missing.  Other times it is hidden within a multi rest which has to get broken.

The generative file is now 25.2, but originated as 2011.  If I am the only one this is happening to, that might have something to do with it.

I recommend that, given this buggy a version of our program, anybody finish a project within the version it was started.  Converting is asking for trouble.  I feel foolish when I knew I was working against a deadline, which at this point I may or may not meet.  


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(LATER)  Today I have spent much more time proofing to see what was missing than engraving.  Latest:  missing close repeat signs in percussion part.  One of the barlines has a close repeat sign and an open one together in all other parts (so far), but only the open one showing in this part I was just inspecting.  The nightmare gets worse and worse.  MakeMusic needs to find people that can program instead of public relations experts.


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For your missing repeat bar, go to the part that is affected. Click beside the staff to select all measures. Right click on the staff and choose "Multimeasure Rests > Create". Do you see the missing repeat bar now?


There is sometimes a problem with multi rests that measures will be missing from view in the part. This is a result of "user error". After a file is "completely" done with all entries, it is imperative to "Generate" or "Regenerate" the parts before moving on to lay out, adjust and complete them. The missing measures are sort of an artifact of the compositional or arranging process - for example adding or deleting music while scoring a passage. If you generate parts as the first thing after completing entry, you'll save a lot of heartache.


So far as your missing tempo and rehearsal marks, make sure those categories are set up to display these on all parts, and that the category is set to "Break Multimeasure Rests". See below. Running the command "Create Multimeasure Rests" on affected parts might help in these cases, too.

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I was already advised about Create Multimeasure Rest, and it helped a lot, but not here.  The given artifacts (I can't say expressions anymore, since now Repeat signs are involved; by the way, I found several others missing in other parts, but none consistently in all of them) are simply not there, arbitrarily, because other parts generated from the same file, at the same time (as I said) are fine.  The Percussion part I mentioned was opened for the first time today (so I could start work on engraving it) and not subject to any modification either before or after it was generated.  But various items were still missing.  My m.o. for making parts has always been exactly what you describe.

I've been generating parts this way for decades.  Never a problem like this until this buggy 25 came out. 

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There are many possible culprits here:


1) Bug in Finale.

If it is a bug, then the problem should happen in all documents. Does it happen in all documents?

Can you provide exact steps to reproduce the problem?


2) File corruption.

Copying the music to a fresh, new document might fix the issue.


3) One or more document settings (= user error).

It sounds like you are an experienced user. I suppose that you already have checked, whether the culprit could be one of the new options, that have been introduced since Finale 2011.

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Thank you, Peter and Bruce.

1.  It's a bug that doesn't affect all documents.
2.  I tried creating a new part to see whether that helped.   It was identical in every respect, including the missing items.
3.  Not sure about this; it's not as if MM is going to provide a list of infestations that perdure from version to version.  I did find out, the hard way, about the need to perform the Create Multimeasures step.  It helped, but some items are still not surviving the extraction process.

I should mention another bug with parts.  Do not assume that the page margins conform to what you enter under Document>Page Format>Parts. Interestingly, the system got that versos and rectos should be mirror reflections, as I requested.  But instead of picking up the margins I dutifully entered, it takes them from the orchestral document.  So, for rectos (odd), it is the same as the full score, but for versos (even) the left and right margins reverse, as well they should.  This is fascinating, because whereas in the parts I asked for exact reversals, so that left margin becomes right and vice versa, I did *not* have such in the generating document.  (If you're curious, this was owing to the space taken up by abbreviated staff names, something that affects verso and recto differently.)  The values for the parts left pages are not picked up from the document left pages, only the right ones.  To simplify:  A and B are the margins of the full score right pages; C and D are the margins I entered in the Part Creation Preferences.  For parts, I wanted recto C and D, verso D and C.  I get recto A and B, verso B and A.  

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Thanks, Steven.  I'd like to coin a new term.  "Legacy bug."

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