El Capitan
I generated a post yesterday which I don't see. I asked whether anyone else crashed when trying to globally replace expressions.
Today I'd like to address part creation. Rehearsal marks are missing in certain parts, not in others. Same for tempo marks. No reason there should be a difference part to part: all produced from the same file at the same time; no individual part file ever tampered with to account for discrepancy. Totally arbitrary. Sometimes the expression is just missing. Other times it is hidden within a multi rest which has to get broken.
The generative file is now 25.2, but originated as 2011. If I am the only one this is happening to, that might have something to do with it.
I recommend that, given this buggy a version of our program, anybody finish a project within the version it was started. Converting is asking for trouble. I feel foolish when I knew I was working against a deadline, which at this point I may or may not meet.
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