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When I try to print, neither the score nor parts appears in the print dialogue box. I tried reinstalling the program to no effect. Now I don't know what to do.


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Step 1: please tell us what version of Finale (or PrintMusic) you are using and what operating system you are using.

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Hi Denman,


It sounds like you are running into a known conflict between Finale and Windows 10's new Microsoft Print to PDF driver. You can still use this print to PDF driver; however, you will have to choose another default printer and switch to Microsoft Print to PDF in Finale's Print dialog box before printing to workaround the issue. For more information, please check out this knowledge base article: Score and parts options missing from Print dialog box (Windows).


Hope this helps!

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Jeez - I had this same problem and it's quite frustrating that it hasn't been fixed. I like the Microsoft PDF writer - it actually works and I have never had problems. Not so with Export to PDF in Finale. I used that option and of course I got the usual errors - three fonts are supported. Would someone fix the Finale PDF writer or do something about this conflict with the Win 10 PDF driver?????? PLEASE????? I upgraded to Finale 25 after much deliberation about trying another program because I get so annoyed with bugs in Finale that seem to never get fixed. Don't make me feel like I made a bad decision!

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Finale says they will fix it but to my knowledge haven't yet. My solution was to buy Adobe Acrobat DC.

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Thanks. I've considered that, but it makes me less than happy that I should have to use DC to get Finale to work properly. Maybe by the time Finale 75 comes out?

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OK. I followed the instructions to use Microsoft Print to PDF and the print dialogue box is still blank.  Now what?


Windows 10, Microsoft Surface, Finale

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I think we are going to need a little bit more information than that.

It sounds as if you are using a PDF printer (rather than the Finale PDF export function) which many consider wise. You should then see something like this, depending on what PDF printer you have to print with.


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Old thread I know, but here to point out that I was hoping that this would be solved in v.26.  Nope. 

Does anyone know of a timeframe for the dev team to address this annoying bug?



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Unless a Finale Team Member decides to chime in, all of us here are users and therefore have no inside knowledge of the Finale calendar.

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>Old thread I know, but here to point out that I was hoping that this would be solved in v.26<


Many apps have issues with the Microsoft driver. This may not be MM’s bug to fix. There are many freeware and cheapware pdf print drivers for Windows out there.  

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