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Is Drum Groove still part of Finale I tried to use a groove today and it isn't listed in Plug-ins/Scoring and Arranging. Latin and Percussion is listed but if I click on it I get "No Latin Percussion files found. Please reinstall the software."

I believe it worked before I installed the new update yesterday. It has been a while though since I used Drum Groove so I am not sure if it was in my earlier version of Finale. 

Any ideas would be helpful since I am not a good drum set writer.

operating system is Windows 10 64 bit w/12 gigs of RAM running on an intel i7 3.05 GHz CPU.



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Plug-ins > Scoring and Arranging > Drum Groove


I'm not seeing Latin and Percussion at all. In fact, I don't see it in Finale 2011 or 2014.5 either.


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From the 2014 manual:


Noteman says: This plug-in assumes SmartMusic SoftSynth is chosen as your MIDI output device in the MIDI Setup dialog box.

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That did not make a difference. Drum Groove is still not listed in Scoring and Arranging and Latin Percussion still says "No Latin Percussion files found". The files are indeed where they belong as I have looked at them with my file explorer. I set everything to SmartMusic SofSynth and I still do not see Drum Groove listed.

Is it possible that it has been removed from Finale 25 version? (That is the latest version and the one I am using.)


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I don't know. I would use the Submit a request link at the top of the page to ask Make Music support. I can't find it on my Mac. 

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Is drum groove a part of the new version? If so where do I find it to install in my score?

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Hi All,


Thanks for posting about this!


This is actually a confirmed bug in Finale v25.4, something that we are looking to resolve in later versions of Finale v25. For now though, our Customer Success team does have a workaround that should help you get back up and running with these missing plug-ins (Drum Groove and Smart Cue Notes). If you run into this issue, please use the Submit a request link at the top of this page for further assistance.


I hope this information helps!

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The closest is the Latin Percussion Plug-in under Scoring and Arranging.

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no drum grove in finale 25 

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>no drum grove in finale 25 <


Did you Submit a request to Support per Lawson's earlier post?

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Dear Lawson Davis,  I just upgraded to Finale 25    V25.5.0.250   and also do not see any Drum Groove plug in.

What is the workaround you refer to? "Customer Success team does have a workaround that should help you get back up and running with these missing plug-ins (Drum Groove and Smart Cue Notes). If you run into this issue, please use the Submit a request link at the top of this page for further assistance"


THank you!
Dr. Walter Busse

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… Dear Lawson Davis …


I suppose that you mean Lawson Dutton ?

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> If you run into this issue, please use the Submit a request link at the top of this page for further assistance">


Did you?

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Sorry... I meant "Dear Lawson Dutton".  Yes Mike I submitted the request, but have not yet received. Still, I don't understand if there is a simple workaround, why do I need to submit a request for assistance? Whey not simply post the info for the workaround??

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