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I'm using Finale 25 with Windows.

In preparation for preparing the individual instruments parts for my orchestral score, I created several tempo markings under "miscellaneous". I then edited my bass trombone part. Next I chose the flute part, but the new tempo markings were not found under miscellaneous or anywhere else in the expression menu. How come? What do I need to do to have them carry over to the other instrumental parts so that I don't need to recreate them for all the instruments?




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Are you using linked parts - or extracted parts?

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I don't know what those are!

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A) Linked parts were added in Finale 2007.

Today most Finale users use only linked parts.


Linked parts are inside the Finale score document. They are “linked” to the score.

Correct a wrong note in the score - and the wrong note is automatically also corrected in the linked part.


In the score document linked parts must be generated (unless the linked parts are already generated).

To generate linked parts, go to

Document menu > Manage Parts…

In the dialog box Manage Parts you can see whether linked parts have already been generated.

You can always generate linked parts again, to start over.


Take a good look at the options in the dialog Manage Parts. Do no be afraid to click buttons.

There are lots of options.


To view the linked parts:

Document menu > Edit Part > …


B) Extracted parts are individual Finale documents. They are not “linked” to the score.

In Finale v25 you can still make extracted parts, but you can not avoid linked parts - since the extracted parts are created from the linked parts.

To make extracted parts from the linked parts:

File menu > Extract Parts…


To me, {extracted parts} is a “before Finale 2007” thingy.

However, in some special cases it may still be necessary to create extracted parts - to get full “independence” from the score.

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That was 2007? Time flies.


I remember working on some large projects and not having Linked parts in 1998–2000 while some of my friends using MOTU’s Mosaic were bragging about having that. A few years later, Mosaic/Professional Composer became yet another bit of abandoned-ware—but one that I somehow managed not to buy..

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I created several tempo markings under "miscellaneous".

Possibly not a direct answer to your query but there are categories in Expressions that you probably should use for certain items like dynamics. And "Miscellaneous" isn't the correct one for dynamics. It is easy to move what you made to any other category though so you can move it to Dynamics. 

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Are you using linked parts - or extracted parts? I don't know what those are!

I actually don't know why Finale still has Extract Parts but I suspect there are some folks who still find a need and since Finale is the most versatile notation product they still include it. Personally, I haven't used Extract Parts ever since Linked Parts came on the scene.

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Extracted parts might be useful if someone wanted to do something really creative (or "crazy"?) like compressing a drum part using repeats in the part (to avoid page turns) while everything needs to be written out in the score.


But linked parts are definitely the way to go in almost every case.

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But linked parts are definitely the way to go in almost every case.


Absolutely. But I can not think of any situation where the linked part can not do what is only possible in an extracted part. However I am too rusty and too old to remember  since I haven't used extracted parts ever since linked parts came on the scene. Page turns, page breaks, page size whatever page thng, linked parts can do. Same with measure repeats but I would expect that you would not want to get too far from what the score said otherwise why have the part in the scopre.\?

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