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Thanks for the heads up!

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I’m hoping there is more to the upgrade than support/integration of external sample libraries that I don’t actually use. Wish it had better integration with GPO5, for example. And I do hope it has improved some of the string sounds (eg, celli have issues I’ve reported to Arne’s team) and added additional pianos, for example. 

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For me, the real question: How does NotePerformer sound? I hear you on NP3's celli.


The Playback Engines are in-app purchases. 


Wish it had better integration with GPO5, for example.


Since the ARIA Player that isn't one of the supported playback engines and GPO5 is not considered anyone's high performance VI library, no surprises here. 


I'm curious if NP4 will allow some VST3s to be used in Finale. It looks to me that it will since Kontakt 7 is one of the supported players — but will any libraries work in it or just the ones listed? I suspect it's only those on the list. Since those are paid add-ons, not sure I'll be using any for now even though I have some of the CineStrings VIs.



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Ok, per this ScoringNotes article, the basic app is unchanged save for now being AS Native. That's good and explains why the update is no charge for NP3 licensees.


The big changes are in the paid add-on VI players.

The issue for Finale/Mac crashing after an NP install for some users is unchanged. NP causes Finale to re-examine all plug-ins. If you have hundreds like I do, Finale will crash several times during the examination process. The workaround on the Mac is to keep hitting the Reopen button till Finale finally launches (only 4 times for me). Once Finale is launched,this nonsense stops. Perhaps MM can do something about this before the next version of Finale—I'll send it in again.

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I heard some rumor that NP4 at least now does sul ponticello in strings so I did install it and when I can will see if that is supported for Finale. That at least could be useful for me. But otherwise, I’m really underwhelmed especially given the level of hype on the VI forum (which is 99.9% Dorico folks). 

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Wallander announced that NotePerformer 4.1 is released today. The claim is significant timing improvements. We’ll see. Free to NP3 and NP4 owners with paid in-app upgrades to additional VI hosting engines available. 

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I found Note Performer a great add to Finale, I asked to Wallander why Glissando sounds so weird, this is the answer: 'Glissando in Finale breaks when turning off Human Playback's humanization of note timing and lengths. Since turning off humanization is critical to the operation of our software, it can't be fixed from the end of NotePerformer.' So please make Finale fully compatible with NP, even with the Garritan Libraries! Or you can add an option to temporarily disable Human Playback in order to let NP do the job without limitations.

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I found Note Performer a great add to Finale, I asked to Wallander why Glissando sounds so weird, this is the answer: 'Glissando in Finale breaks when turning off Human Playback's humanization of note timing and lengths. Since turning off humanization is critical to the operation of our software, it can't be fixed from the end of NotePerformer.' So please make Finale fully compatible with NP, even with the Garritan Libraries! Or you can add an option to temporarily disable Human Playback in order to let NP do the job without limitations.

Hi. I'm a very enthusiastic user of NP with Finale and have the latest update (4.1), which honestly has not demonstrated any changes or at least they're not obvious to me. I've been vexed by the lack of glissandi support for strings etc in Finale; I have to resort to GPO5 for that (which can be combined with NP, it just takes more work to do that). I was very disappointed with the feature set of NP4 since it was a letdown after a lot of buildup. Wish they could support glissandi in Finale. I've tried doing it with HP disabled but the results, at least for me, are not great. 

I do have a string quartet that melds both NP and GPO5 and managed to get some decent glissandi (even pizzicato glissandi) starting around 9' 45" in the audio, using mainly NP but it was not perfect. So YMMV.

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I don’t turn off Human Playback when using NP. Never have.

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Yeah, as mentioned, the results for me were terrible so I never do it.

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Hi all, I agree with you, always disappointed by the strings glissando. I installed the 4.1 version but I haven't noticed any difference when using sul ponticello, have you? They should add support for sul tasto technique at least. Furthermore it will be nice not to have to open another mixer for certain tasks (such override a sound). I think next version of Finale should be focused in improving playback and NP compatibility, they have to work together. 

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Nope; I've never found that it works for sul ponticello, let alone sul taste. That's the type of stuff (along with improving some of the string sounds, adding some better pianos etc) that I thought was going to be included in version 4, but they went in a very different direction that doesn't do anything for me personally. Arne at Wallender has certainly heard from a number of us expressing similar thoughts, but it sounds like they can't do anything further to improve their basic AI for Noteperformer, so it is unlikely to materially change in that regard. Bummer.

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