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New v. 27 for Windows problem:

When I use the Plug In menu to Create Coda System, the del segno sign appears as a giant "%" sign and the Coda symbol appears as a giant paragraph "P" symbol. I upgraded from version 26 which never gave me this problem. I don't know how to correct this. Thanks.



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Yep, looks like the Coda plug-in hasn't been updated for SMuFL fonts. 

And there doesn't seem to be a way to access the new Character Selection Dialog from the Repeat Designer.

Quickest is to delete these symbols and add the correct ones from the Repeat Selection dialog.


Several of the TG Tools plug-ins - East Harmonics, Easy Tremolos - don't seem to have been updated either.

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Thanks for the reply. I've tried everything. Coda symbol is not included in the 200+ character choices. Ugh! Version 26 was working fine. Regret spending $150 for the Version 27 upgrade. Almost everything I write needs the "Create Coda" Plug In feature.

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Coda symbol is in the Repeats section.

But there should be a default Coda Repeat mark in the Repeats.

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Why, why, WHY won’t people try the demo for a few weeks, instead of jumping in and then moaning how they wasted their money?

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Thanks for the very helpful advice, Mike Rosen." Why, why, why" should I not expect Version 27 "Plug In Create Coda System" to function without a problem?  I didn't have this issue when I upgraded to Version 26 a few years ago. I wish I had tried the demo so that I wouldn't have wasted my money on this.

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Ben Byram-Wigfield,

I do not get the SMuFL symbol selection screen that you showed above in the Repeats menu. I only get the older style menu like I had with Finale v.26 and there is a Coda symbol there, but there are also the giant % and P symbols that were never there before. I delete them but they always re-appear. (I am working with a newly created document using V. 27.)  I am not a computer geek and don't want to be one, I just want to be able to write my jazz orchestra arrangements as I have done hundreds of times over several years using Finale. I appreciate your time trying to help me.

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Sorry if I hurt your feelings. But EVERY upgrade that I can recall introduced some new problems, with things that had worked before. And a major change in font handling is guaranteed to be one. That's why I suggest to always try the demo first.


Ben, I have my default music font set to Finale Maestro (not the old Maestro) and I can see everything in PopChar. But I don't know how to access that symbol selection window from within the repeat tool of Finale. With the text tool, I could get to the Symbol selection, but then I couldn't figure out how to get that symbol into the repeat. I noted the number, and went back to PopChar, found it, and pasted it in. When I pasted the symbol into the Repeat Designer, it showed as the dreaded question mark, even though the font showed Finale Maestro. When I OK'd out, the correct coda symbol was there in the score. But as William said, it shouldn't be this complicated. Once again, MM has given us a new, broken feature. I would rate Finale's implementation of SMUFL as epic fail: definitely not ready for prime time.


And if you say, well, I'll just go back to the plain Maestro font, IT WON'T LET YOU.


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MakeMusic has stated that SMuFL related updates are planned. It's listed towards the bottom of the page on the link below:


Plug-ins have not been updated to accommodate SMuFL yet. You can still use Legacy document styles by starting from scratch from the Setup Wizard, and things should be as you remember them.

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It would have been nice to have it ready when it was released.

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Mike Rosen, after reading your evaluation that the font issue is a broken feature in MM Finale, and not my lack of expertise, I feel a lot better. This was driving me nuts. I experimented and I am able to set up a Coda System manually using the Repeat Menu and assigning text and symbols with target measure numbers entered. It's just the handy Plug In short cut feature that doesn't work now with Version 27.

I reloaded Finale v. 27 and still cannot find the SMuFL fonts. (BTW, I am using Windows and not Mac.)

For the time I have wasted on this quest, I didn't gain much by getting the upgrade.  I was only trying to keep up by buying the upgrade. I don't need 100,000 font items! Guess I will wait for the fixes from MakeMusic.

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The fonts in 27 have been renamed. Instead of Maestro, there is a new font, Finale Maestro, etc.

I don’t see the need for all of them, either. When I have needed some oddball character, I’ve always been able to find it in someone else’s SMUFL font. But most of them are beyond oddball. Someone must use them…

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Yeah, v27 is a rough release. It will get better, but I think most people will wait till v28 when SMuFL has been sorted out and new features/improvements added.

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In my first response, I said that there doesn't seem to be a way to Insert SMuFL symbols from the Repeat Designer. 

William, if you start a new document using the "Legacy Defaults > Engraved Style", then you'll use 'classic' Maestro and everything should work.

MM does have a track record of implementing a few things, adding to them over the course of the updates, and then not getting round to completing it. As they say in Naples, "Half a toilet". 

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As they say in Naples, "Half a toilet".


And we get the half that doesn't flush. Guess what that leaves us with…

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I called customer support and made the decision to revert back to Finale V. 26. The service tech guided me through this and issued a refund of the money paid for the V.27 upgrade. All Finale functions work perfectly as before and all my saved music files are good, except for the one arrangement I did using V. 27.

Next time I will follow Mike Rosen's advice and thoroughly try a demo before buying. Live and learn (the hard way.) My thanks to Mike, Ben, and George for taking time to help me here. It is much appreciated. Bill Turner

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