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I'm adding lyrics right into my score. But when I add the last word of the second verse, Finale automatically changes the first word of the same verse to be the same word. If I go change the first word, Finale automatically changes the last word to match. The lyrics look correct in the lyrics window.


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Welcome to the forum!


If I understand you correctly, you are entering the lyrics via Type Into Score - right? (you are not using Click Assignment - right?)


As you have found out, you can easily get trouble if you enter the Lyrics via Type Into Score.


In your case I would


1) Clear the Lyrics from the Layout:

Edit menu > Clear Selected Items…

de-select everything, and select only Lyrics, then, click OK.

In the Lyrics window you will still have your Lyrics.


2) Assign the Lyrics again via Click Assignment.


That should clear up the mess.

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Susanne sometimes it is a matter of looking at one place and typing in another. It is easy to think you are editing or typing in verse 1 for instance and actually working on verse 2.


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To expand on Ernest's comment, be sure you are in the correct layer, as well as the correct verse. You can't post a Finale file here on the Finale Forum, but if you upload it to dropbox or something similar, and post a link, we can have a look and make some suggestions.

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I have had similar problems for the last couple of years. I've had to solve it by creating a jpg of the word I want and pasting it over the wrong word. I see the same problem in 27 4 1 146 running on a mac mini M1, running Sequoia 15.3. and yes, I am sure I am on the right lyrics verse.

It's a bizarre problem. It's like two words, which can be any words in the lyrics, are connected. changing one changes the other.

I'm sure I could fix it by deleting the lyrics and retyping them, but what a pain in the neck. I spent a lot of time aligning the lyrics to the music. It would take a couple of hours to redo all the lyrics, which is why I create a jpg of what I want and paste it over the wrong lyrics, but there has got to be a way to fix this without having to do that.

thanks for any suggestions that you may have.


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David, send me the file. In over a thousand charts, I don’t think I’ve ever had that problem that wasn’t due to user (me) error. My email address is encoded in my signature.

I’m happy to work with you over Zoom.

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Thanks Mike, for the one-on-one help.

Short story is that going back and forth between the lyrics window and direct entry of lyrics in the score causes Finale to get "confused". Bottom line is to either enter the lyrics directly in the score, note by note, or enter them in the lyrics window and use the tools in the lyrics window to adjust the positions of the syllables.

Also Mike showed me how to correct the "confusion" and we were able to fix my file. I couldn't possibly explain how we did it, so I won't even try. But Mike's ability to help me do that is a testament to his skill and helpfulness. thanks again!!!

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