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         I am using Finale 2014.5 and Mac OSX 10.11.

I know how to use the tuplet tool and it is working fine sometimes, but not always. To keep it simple, lets say I am in 4/4 time and I want each minim (1/2 note) to have quaver (8th) septuplets. This would work fine for the first half of the bar and I would get 6 in place of four. But if i do the exact same thing for the second minim (1/2) Finale would only let me enter 5 quavers (8th) and, say,one semiquaver (16th). This doesn't make any sense to me but I am new to Finale!! and ( sorry, but unless I'm missing something stupidly obvious) it really does make you wonder who designed this programme. 

Any help would be great 




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I am having the same type issue. I have a measure that contains  a 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 triplet followed by two 1/4 1/8 triplets. I can input the 1st 3 beats but cannot input the 4th 1/4 1/8 triplet. Anybody have a solution? I agree with Jack, the tuplet function in finale is really not very good and the user manual is abysmal. 

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Hi Martin,

              Problem solved!!

Go to the user manual and search 'tuplets', open the first response or option to the search, go to the bottom of that page and you will see 'Additional techniques' and under this 'enter a tuplet at the end of the measure'. This explains how to get around tuplets at the end of the bar.

All the Best


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Wow Jack. That worked perfectly. I've been trying to get this to work since last night and couldn't. Thank you so much. 




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No problem Marty! I'm very glad it worked, for me too.


Happy Composing!


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Hello all,

I'm using Finale Print Music, and it has the same problem, but I'm not seeing the info that Jack Moran listed two years ago. Would anyone mind cutting and pasting the instructions into this forum? In otherwords, I can't find the details on how to enter a tuplet at the end of a measure.



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What computer Operating System are you using, Jill?

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Windows 10.

The program doesn't want to include a full beat upon decreasing the value of the middle eighth note of the tuplet to two sixteenths, even when using the method described in the link from Mike Rosen. See highlighted section below. As I attempt to create that rhythm (the same rhythm as the first and third beats of the same measure, the program shorts me a sixteenth while working in that measure. In otherwords, once I change the middle eighth to a sixteenth, which should have the same value as two sixteenths, I am forced to change both the second and third eighths of the tuplet into three sixteenths. This doesn't happen on any other beat of the measure, only the last beat. I haven't tried it in different time signatures. Also, when I copy and paste one of these measures for greater ease of composing (this ostinato lasts forever, in more than one instrument), it further changes the duration of the beat. So the first measure of the rhythmic ostinato will have a 32nd rest at the very end of the measure, and then if I copy and paste a second time, that measure will have a 32nd rest plus a 128th rest WITH THREE DOTS WTF. And, the bar for the triplet extends into the next measure, and I'm not able to move the length of the bar with the normal handles. So anyway, it's only a problem for the person who has to play this, for playback purposes it sounds correct. 

Anyway, thanks for reading this, and for the suggestions. I'll go have my head examined.



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Jill Moran,


For this particular problem it might be easier with the Speedy Entry Tool.


Entry string:

Ctrl-3 (Triplet coming up …)

4 (… entering the first 8th, and defining the triplet as 3 Eighths in the space of 2 Eighths …)

3 (… the first 16th …)

3 (… the second 16th …)

4 (… the final 8th …)

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I entered it in Simple; the same sequence of keystrokes as Peter described, with the exception of the CTRL-3. In Simple, you would hit 9 after the first eighth note was entered (and the triplet had been defined as Peter said.) It left an extra eighth rest at the end; an easy matter to right arrow to select it, and Delete. Absolutely no problem with copy and paste to following measures.

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Will this issue be fixed at the next update? This has been an ongoing issue for years, it would be nice to just Finale so that it works properly instead of demanding extra steps.

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There is no issue. Learn how the tools work, and why they work that way, and your problem is solved.

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If there's no issue, why is there a thread about it? I think striving to make the program more and more intuitive's not a bad idea. I don't see "why" it would add an extra rest when the bar is already full.

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I suspect it’s just a glitch in the arithmetic. It only seems to happen with complex and mixed tuplets. Remember, computers work with zeros and ones, and triplets are trying to divide everything by three. 


A revamp of the tuplet tool has been talked about for years, along with lots of other concerns. I wouldn’t hold my breath, if I were you...

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I purchased the very first Finale when it came out over 30 years ago and this issue is still a huge problem for me. I still can't figure it out even after reading this thread and many others. My rhythmic entries in regards to tuplets and nested tuplets is VERY complex at times and this issue throws a major wrench in the works. I certainly hope the good folks at Make Music decide to tackle this issue. It makes Sibelius more appealing.  

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In Speedy or Simple entry options, have you tried unchecking "check for extra notes", then making your tuplets?

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Have you looked at my tutorial, linked above?


I would suggest you learn to use what we have, and not wait for improvements. 

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Thanks, The "check for extra notes" worked. It's a "work-around". Will be nice when the math works normally. 

Many thanks



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