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WIN10 PRO   Finale v27.4.1.110

The lyric and text font is not being rendered correctly. Have tried multiple fonts Lucida San (OpenType), Univers Condensed (TrueType), Franklin Gothic (OpenType) to name a few but the rendering is same as the Arial (OpenType) font. Times New Roman renders correctly. Used Wizard to create a new score and set lyric font in Document Fonts, downloaded and installed latest version of Final v27. These fonts render correctly in other programs such as Word. It might have something to do with fonts with different typefaces.


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Thanks for letting us know that you are using Windows. In both OS you need to make your fonts available to all applications but the methods are different for Mac and Win.


If you Google something like "How do I Install fonts globally in Windows?" You will find many pages and YouTube videos explaining how. Though I used to support Windows, I've not used it in 15 years or so and leave Win10 alone.


BTW, many of us use Minion Pro because of its readability in small sizes. This installs with all Adobe products including the free Reader but is normally available only to Adobe apps until you make it available globally. Even if a publisher has a House Font, they will have Minion Pro installed so that your files open properly. 

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After some research- fonts installed in WIN10 is available to all apps by default, there is no settings to make changes in that affect. I looked at all Microsoft san fonts and Finale isn't rendering any them, compared to what the Character Map shows, if the font family is different than Regular, Italic or Bold. 

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Problem solved, right?


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Not solved and have found another user that is seeing the same issue. Interestingly enough Bahnschrift Condensed renders correct but Franklin Gothic Condensed Medium doesn't, they're both ttf files. Still researching for an answer. Would like to know if any community people can see the same.

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Do they work with the plain vanilla Finale Lyrics font? Try that, before customizing things.

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The lyric and text font is not being rendered correctly.

What exactly does this mean? Can you post a sample. All the fonts I have tried work as expected in Finale.

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Found instructions on a work around and WIN10, or anything after XP, is being blamed. The work around is to type in the font name, exactly as it appears in Character Map, directly into the Font field of the Lyrics Window.

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