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I'm running Finale 27.4 on an iMac 27" (2020 intel) OS 13.6.4

I added rehearsal letters to an orchestra score. In the Rehearsal Marks Category "Break Multimeasure Rests" is selected. HOWEVER, I've discovered that NONE of the parts I've extracted is breaking multimeasure rests at the rehearsal marks. This is a BIG deal and a major hassle. What's going on? Does Finale have a bug?


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… the parts I've extracted …


I wonder why you are extracting parts?


You can not use the linked parts instead?



… breaking multimeasure rests at the rehearsal marks …


Perhaps the multimeasure rests need to updated?

1) Take a look in

Document Options - Multimeasure Rests

Is the option

Update Automatically

selected or de-selected?


If it is de-selected, then try selecting it.

You can de-select the option when the multimeasure rests have been broken at the rehearsal marks.


Another way is to create multimeasure rests again (do this step before you extract parts):

Edit menu > Multimeasure Rests > Create for Parts/Score…


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Thanks for your reply, Peter.
I extract parts because I use some non-standard notation and because of the way I create multiple wind parts on the full score (When possible, I combine two flute parts onto one staff, but at other times they get separated into two staves, for example. I know it's a hassle, but I like the way it saves space.) Also, I don't trust Finale to come up with good layout and page turns on its own.

I just checked on my full score and in Document Options, under Multimeasure rests "Update Automatically" is already selected.

As an experiment, I did export linked parts and they do break multimeasure rests at rehearsal letters. So there's a difference between linked and extracted parts.

Your third suggestion ("Create for Parts/Score...") seems to work.

I also discovered that if I break, then recreate the multimeasure rests on the parts I've already extracted, it seems to break them at the rehearsal letters. So before I get too involved in the layout of the parts I've already created, I will break, then recreate the multimeasure rests for the entire part.

Thanks, again, for your help! I hope I can remember this advice before I extract parts on my next project!

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… Your third suggestion ("Create for Parts/Score...") seems to work …


… if I break, then recreate the multimeasure rests …


No need to break the multimeasure rests first.

Save some time, and just recreate the multimeasure rests (without breaking them first).

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Oh, that's great! Because you originally said to recreate multimeasure rests before extracting parts, it didn't occur to me that I could use the same function on the parts themselves. It makes perfect sense, of course...


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Glad you got you got it sorted but I am curious about extracted parts vs linked parts. Like you I have a friends that prefer extracted over linked. He swears by them but doesn't really say why. Suffers from being old school I guess. However, unless you need a separated file is there anything you can do to an extracted part that can't be done to a linked part? And as I see it the downside, when you make an edit in the score the linked part reflects it while the extracted parts doesn't. Just curious.

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Thanks for the question, Ernest.
From my very limited experience of linked parts it seems that if you want to change any formatting in them, you have to open them in Finale. Then you end up saving them as .musx files, which means that they are no longer linked to the score. It seems to me that the only way linked parts are an advantage is if you can accept whatever formatting Finale wants to give you. Also, if you have any non-standard notation that requires tweaking on the parts, then linked parts will need to be opened and tweaked and then saved as a regular .musx file, won't they? Again, once they are saved as .musx files, they are no longer linked parts. I guess that maybe I just don't understand how to use linked parts.

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Quick addendum for Ernest Biggs:
I was just reading up on linked parts. It seems there's a lot about them that I wasn't aware of. I didn't realize, for example, that you edit the parts from within the original score document. I will investigate linked parts further. Maybe all my tweaking can be done (and saved) in the linked part. I need to make sure that music spacing (and even hand spacing) of notes, beams etc. is not linked (or can be unlinked). If that's possible, then I might try to start using linked parts for future projects.

Oh, but there's another thing that I mentioned earlier in this thread:
I also extract parts because of the way I create multiple wind parts on the full score: when possible, I combine two flute parts onto one staff, but at other times they get separated into two staves, for example. I have a hunch linked parts don't allow for this sort of score preparation, but I'll investigate it.

Thanks for bringing this matter up, Ernest!

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Paul Sangregory,


For me personally, linked parts are generally all I need.

I very seldom extract parts.

And I am not the only one.


Most of what I need in the parts, can be done - and saved - in the score document.

Including e. g. music spacing, and Page Layout, and staff styles - they can be different between score and parts.

Your example with “two flute parts onto one staff, but at other times separated into two staves” can be done, too.

A common solution is three staves:

one staff that combines the two flute parts, and two staves with the separate flute parts.

You can hide/show staves where needed, in the score, and in the linked parts.

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Thanks for the comments, Peter.
I have to admit that I haven't spent the extra time needed to learn about linked parts. Usually, when it's time to enter a score I just need to get the job done without relearning Finale. The more I hear you both talking about linked parts, though, the more it sounds like I should take the time to learn and practice using them.

I was concerned about adding cue notes, but it appears that you can prevent cue notes from showing up in the full score.

There are also things regarding expressions and text instructions that I'll have to be clear about lest I mess things up on my score when tweaking parts. (I just discovered that right-clicking a text or expression opens a menu with the options "Unlink in all parts" and "Link in all parts". That seems to eliminate some of the other concerns I had about linked parts.)

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… I just discovered that right-clicking a text or expression opens a menu with the options "Unlink in all parts" and "Link in all parts". That seems to eliminate some of the other concerns I had about linked parts …


In the context menu the words “Unlink” and “Link” refer to the positioning, of the expression or the text block.


There is a subtle difference between working on the score, and working on the linked part.


Drag the expression / text block in the score, and it will also move in the linked part(s) = the positioning remains linked.


Drag the expression / text block in the linked part, and it will not move in the score = the positioning gets unlinked.


You can get the reverse behaviour by holding down the Override key (which in Mac Finale is the Command key).


Hold down the Command key while dragging the expression / text block in the score, and it will move in the score only = the positioning gets unlinked.


Hold down the Command key while dragging the expression / text block in the linked part, and it will also move in the score = the positioning remains linked.


By default Finale will change the display colour when the positioning gets unlinked.

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Paul I know sometimes it is difficult to do things differently when you have done it for a long time and that one way has worked very well. I can't convince my friend to use linked parts and perhaps not you either but that's OK. There are many ways to do things in Finale and none are either right or wrong if they get the job done.

I don't think there is anything you can do to an extracted part that you can't do with a linked part. The downside with extracted parts is you have many files to deal with but with linked you have only one and changes do not show up in the score.


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Thanks for all the great tips, you two!
There's still an issue that might cause me trouble in linked parts: when an expression or text block is deleted from a part, it is deleted from the score too. I often add text instructions to scores that refer only to specific instruments, or whose grammar must be changed slightly when they appear on a single instrument part. I sometimes also repeat dynamics on score pages after their first appearance as a reminder to conductors (but on parts I prefer to remove them). The same is true with percussion instruments. I use regular 5-line staves for each percussionist, then add instrument changes as expressions. As a reminder to conductors I'll often repeat the instrument name on subsequent score pages. On parts, of course, those reminders must be removed. If I use linked parts I'll have to stop doing all of that. I suppose there may be people out there who would say I shouldn't do any of that anyway...

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Indeed, with linked parts you do that in other ways:



1) You can make an expression or a text block Show or not Show in the score and the linked part independently (use the context menu).

In Other Words: You do not delete it, but rather hide it where it should not show.



2) Some expression categories use a Score List where you can specify, on what staves the expression should show, in the score, and in the parts.

The default “Score List” categories are

- Tempo Marks

- Tempo Alterations

- Rehearsal Marks

You can create new expression categories by duplicating existing categories.

Document menu > Category Designer…



3) With text blocks you have some special options:


a. You probably always add text blocks from Page View - right?


b. In your example with a “slightly changed grammar” you could use two different text blocks.

One text block only shows in the score (= in the linked parts it is dragged to the right until it is outside the part page).

The lother text block only shows in the part (= in the score it is dragged to the right until it is outside the score page).


c. Instead of adding a text block from Page View you can also add it from Scroll View.

In that way the text block will by default be measure/staff attached instead of page attached.

When a text block handle is selected, you can hit Shift-Return to get to the text block’s Frame Attributes.

Also, look at the bottom of the Text menu.

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So it appears that it's possible to make linked parts work with just about any score setup as long as you know what you're doing. I'll try using them on my next project.

Thanks for all the help!

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Peter has explained it clearly. Like I said I don't think there is anything you can do yo an extracted part that you can't do to a linked part. The steps may be a bit different like using show/ hide (don't show) instead of deleting. But the upside is you will only have one file that is always updated to any edits you made in either the score or the given part.


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Thanks for all your comments, Ernest (and Peter).

There's one other thing I want to check with you (and/or Peter):
I assume that when you add cue notes to linked parts, you probably add them above (or below) that instrument's staff on the full score using the "Ossia" tool, then hide them on the score and unlink them from the parts. Is this correct?

As far as I can tell, there's no way to add cue notes as small notes on the same staff as an instrument without having them print out on the score too, right?


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… As far as I can tell, there's no way to add cue notes as small notes on the same staff as an instrument without having them print out on the score too, right? …


Actually it can be done.


You probably already know of the plug-in for cue notes:

Plug-ins menu > Scoring and Arranging > Add Cue Notes…


In the score you can use the Staff Tool to hide the cue notes - staff styles can be different between score and linked parts.


I suppose that the cue notes are in Layer 4 - right?

Use a staff style that has Blank Notation on Layer 4 and has the clef set to show the clef used by the performer (not the cued instrument).


If you have questions about this, let us know.

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Oh, yes, of course! I should have figured that out.
Thanks for the information! 
As far as plugins, I've only used plugins for things like system dividers, tremolos, harmonics and such. I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't yet noticed the cue note plugin (insert shameful emoji here).

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Do not be too hard on yourself.

It can happen to even the best.

And that is exactly what happened - right ?



As you saw in the Feature Request forum I (of all people!) had not noticed the text insert menu item {Total Pages}.

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:-) Thanks, Peter. And thanks for all your great help!


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Paul while on the subject of plug-ins I feel the need to tell you about Perfect Layout. PL automatically hide cue notes in the score and shows them in the parts. It not only fixes cue notes but 100's of things automatically. It would have fixed your measure number issue, too, again automatically. You can check out their web site 

This is how it rendered my latest score. Keep in mind I didn't do anything to where Finale placed anything I just let PL do its thing after I was through. In this case I choose to let PL keep cues visible in the score since it is a concert band piece and they may not have a cello available to play the solo. If you send PL a sample score they will run it for you and let you see if it is something that works for you.

Keep in mind I did nothing with spacing or placing of any element this is all after running PL a plugin I can't see ever doing without. Full score is here 

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Thanks for sharing this, Ernest. That sounds like an impressive plugin! Also, congratulations on your new piece! Interestingly, the orchestra piece I'm making parts for now is also related to Spring :-)

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Love to hear it when you are done. You will find Jan, at Perfect Layout, very friendly and most helpful; even if you don't purchase his plugin.

All the best Paul,


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