We in music notation are behind the scene of what everyone, the world over, experiences in the form of not only music, but film, TV, theater, etc. This decision to make Finale unreauthoriseable after 2025 is insane. The extra labor thrown into my lap at this time is unreasonable. I'm expected to convert files, learn a new very complex piece of software, put off the start of any new music projects. It's to nightmarish to even contemplate and yet here we are.
If there was ever a time for musicians to come together and do something, this is it.
Solutions! Demand a version that continues to work, at least for several years! Lawsuits! Letter writing-campaigns! Contact your congressperson!
This is about the livelihood of people throughout the industry, and about Music culture itself.
And for WHAT? Somebody is getting a payoff. Let's find out who.
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