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Anothe ridiculous situation just as the time pressure is at its greatest. This never fails to happen with Finale.

I suddenly am unable to select notes in the alto flute part of a score. I can select those notes in the score, but not the part. I need to select the note in the part to hide an accidental. 

What could possibly be happening? I've closed the file and reopened. Still not luck. I've got the selection tool selected when I try to click on the note.

I have found that the shortcut of pressing 6/7 and 8/9 to go down or up a tone or an octave when selecting notes (when they're highlighted in blue) is also not functioning. 

Thanks in utmost urgency!

(The newest Finale, whichever one that is.  Microsoft Windows 11.)


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Further information: I've found that the simple entry pallette is greyed-out.  What does that mean?

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I am still able to edit and select notes in the other parts. It's only the alto flute part that will not allow it.  

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Two things to try:

Export the part as XML, and import it back in to Finale.

Refresh the preferences.

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Something similar was present in Finale 26 (fixed in 27.3 and 27.4) when a part was generated (via Specify Voicing) from a staff containing 2 instruments.

If the problem persists, extract the part as a separate file in which you will have full control of all the tools.

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