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My finale is 25V. My computer is Mac studio M1 Max 2022.

There are many chords in a file. But I would like to reduce the size of the chords in the specific measures only, not all chords.

Is that possible? If it is, how can I do?

Thank you.


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One way to do it:


Add an extra staff - for the smaller chord symbols.

For the extra staff, in its Staff Attributes, in the pane {Items to Display}, de-select all options except Chords.

Also, in the pane Behaviors, de-select the option {Display Rests in Empty Measures}.


Use the Resize Tool to resize the extra staff.


Enter the smaller chord symbols on the extra staff.

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Select the measure. Utilities menu > Change > Chords... > in the Scale Chords box, enter a smaller percentage


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That method, too, may work in Finale v25, but the chord symbol’s character spacing will not get scaled down.


In Other Words:

Using the utility to scale the chords down to a smaller size will reduce the vertical height, but not the horizontal width (each character will get scaled down individually to a smaller width, but the horizontal positioning will not get scaled down).


Jihye Kim:

You wrote “There are many chords in a file. But I would like to reduce the size of the chords in the specific measures only”.

What is the problem you are trying to solve?

The chord height or the chord width?

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Thank you, Mr. Mike Rosen! I got it!!

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To Mr. Perter Thomsen.

When I use the utility to scale the chords down, it worked at both height and vertical.

Thank you for your help.

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