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I've been having ongoing trouble with this.

When I copy an entire 120 measures worth of piano line from one file to another, at multiple locations, the beats of the notes are completely off by a half or whole beat, a few more notes have disappeared altogether, and in many spots the Bass or Treble Staff is in the wrong Clef.

I"m assuming that my program is currently configured in some way that doesn't copy time signature change and cleft change and the like

Because of time, I cannot go back through my score to correct 120 measures of wrongly placed beats and wrong clefs! Is there a way that I can re-configure my program so that it copies large sections properly?

I'm very pressed for time. I'm sorry to sound hasty. Please respond as soon as possible!

Thank you all for your help.





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If I understand you correctly, you are copying a 2-staff part - right?


Without examining the actual Finale document we can only guess.


I suppose that you have already examined the settings in the Copy Filter - right?


1) When entries have been shifted “by a half or whole beat”, the culprit could be missing rests.


2) To copy clefs you need a Stack Selection.

To get a Stack Selection in a single part (like e. g. Piano), first create a Staff Set with only the part you need to copy.

Then, while viewing the Staff Set, you can make a Stack Selection.

Finale shows that the selection is a Stack Selection, by highlighting, not only inside the selected line, but also above and below the line.

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As Peter indicates, we're not getting the entire picture from your description. Screen shots help.

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