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Windows 11. Received a score from another arranger and I need to remove the large time signatures, but do not know how.

I've tried also to get the regular measure numbers to show up using the measure number dialogue box, but they do not show up.

Any help is appreciated.


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My preference is for large time signatures, TBH. But to remove them, thanks to Finale's convoluted methodology, you have to do into Document Options: Fonts and select Time (Score) and change the font size to something much smaller. Then play around with the Time Signature section of Document Options to fix the distance between the two numbers (trial and error is what is needed, and that's a major PITA). Once that's done, or at least approximately done, go into Plug-ins: Scoring: Global Staff Attributes and make sure every instrument has Display Time Signatures (score) checked. That's at least possible en masse with the Global Staff Attributes plugin.

In Dorico, it's pretty straightforward to create large time signatures and also to change back. Wish Finale had been more modern but it just isn't and will never be updated. That's one of many reasons why I gave it up a few months ago. 

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… Am I in the wrong dialogue box? …



You have the Document Options for Time Signature.

Instead, go to the Document Options for Fonts.

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yeah, this forum is limited LOL

You're in the time signature section but as mentioned, that is where you can change the spacing between the upper and lower numbers. First go up a bit in the same Document Options panel and select the Fonts panel. Then you can change the font size to, say, 12 pt and then go back to the Time Signature panel and fix the spacing. 


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select Time (Score) in the Notation drop-down under Fonts within Document Options and take it down to 12 or 14 and go from there. Then invoke the global staff attributes plug-in

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Thank you for the quick response and follow-up!

I have it the way I want it now, but boy is that process convoluted. I think they should have had a "default" button -that would have done it in one click!

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Glad it worked. And yes, it's ridiculous all the trial and error one has to do with this and a few other elements of Finale. I put up with it for over 30 years and moved on in Sept. But I do miss the old days of Finale when it was actually elegant for that time and continuously developed. Sad, what's happened.

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