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Is there any way to accomplish this? (see first pic below which is from a published score)  

I've tried adding a vocal solo line for the "minister" part under the "hymnal style" choral staves, hiding the necessary measures and, in effect, superimposing the solo line on top of the "hymnal" bass clef line.  (see 2nd image).  But I can't see a way to add clefs, time signatures, choral brackets, etc.  I know I can add clefs manually (not sure about the brackets, etc) but I'm thinking it would be faster to create the choral and minister parts separately and then insert the minster parts as a graphic into the choral part.  Am I missing anything obvious? Thanks!   



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I set up a 3-staff system. Each "section" went on its own system; "minister" on staff 3 of system 1, "Answer" on staves 1 and 2 of system 2.


Next, I hid the empty staves, and in Page Layout sized the systems as needed. Finally, I deselected Avoid Margin Collisions, and dragged the segments into place. I didn't take the time to align it perfectly, but you get the idea!


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Brilliant!!  I had basically done the same thing BUT I had no idea that Avoid Margin Collisions existed.  I’ve been using Finale for decades and never needed it I guess.  Thanks so much, Mike!  You saved me a load of time!

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Glad I could help!

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By The Way:

The plug-in Create Coda System positions two systems next to each other.

It might be worth it to run the plug-in, and examine in detail how the plug-in manages to position two systems next to each other.

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Oh, Peter, you beat me to it!

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