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This used to be so easy:  select a Smart Shape from the pallette and then press shift-and a key to program a metatool.  But it no longer works on my system except for the Custom Line tool.

Can anyone suggest a place to look to get this functionality back?  There are no other conflicting shortcuts here.


Mac Pro 12-Core tower, macOS Sierra, Finale 25


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Have you tried trashing the Preferences?

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Yes.  Still no go.

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Once you’re in the SmartShape tool, do the predefined metatools shift to the proper tool? I have F10 programmed to the slur (in the Mac keyboard control panel), but once I’m there, I can use the other metatools.

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They weren't working properly at first, but I trashed my prefs and then I got them to work with the predefined KB assignment.  But I still cannot program new assignments.  

I just tried it on my MacBook Pro and it does work as expected.  So now I'm thinking that at some point I might have clicked the checkbox in the assignment dialog to no longer show.  Do you know of the way I can get that message to appear?  I do see a Reset Preferences in the Prefs dialog, but that seems like it would be overkill for this issue.

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