I am transcribing some harp music and can't find a way to notate these two bars in Finale. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
We ned more info. What, exactly, is it that you “can't find a way to notate” ? - the clef changes? - the expressions? - the fingerings? - the cross-staff notation? - the “headless” stems? - or?
I'm sure Peter will come up with a better way, (and I mean that as a sincere compliment,) but here's a start...
That was exactly what I was struggling with! Thank you very much for helping me out. Did you use a combination of hidden noteheads and a glissando line, or is the wavy line som kind of custom notehead? /Petter
Shrunken noteheads. I used JW Change to reduce the size to 1%. The squiggle and arrowhead expression is a single character from the Bravura font, character #58933. The numbers are a separate expression; just TNR.
Another way to hide noteheads (= to get headless stems): Change the notehead font to Hidden style. Also, there are squiggle arrows of various lengths in EngraverText, in the slots #72–#77.
One thing more: After you have hidden the noteheads, you may need to hide some ledger lines. There is a plug-in for that: Plug-ins manu > Note, Beam, and Rest Editing > Ledger Lines (Hide)
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