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Has anyone else had the problem in v27 when dragging expressions that they snap to various different places around the staff, but never where I drag them to? The handle just jumps away from the expression and the expression moves somewhere else as well. Never seen this happen before in any version of Finale. Is there some new auto setting that I'm not aware of?

Finale 27, Mac OS Big Sur, iMac Retina 27 (late 2015). Finale user since 1995.


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Yes, it happens to me and I spent a lot of time to understand that to avoid the problem you have to open all files with the SELECTION TOOL selected and then you can also use the handles of the Expression tool.

I use a MacPro 2019 16 Core and 48 GB RAM with Pro Display XP

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Possibly another Mac issue. Have either (or both) of you opened a support ticket? Use the Submit a Request tab at the top of the page.

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Ok, thanks. Seems like another UI bug.

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Yes, this is a real problem. I used to be able to option-drag an expression to a new location without it's 'anchor point' changing. That has disappeared. If I option-drag an expression now, it jumps to the nearest line in the score.


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Found a workaround. Select the expression and then use the arrow keys to position it instead of the mouse.

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Great. But still, please, send it in if you haven’t already!

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Same issue for me. I'm on a 2019 iMac 11.4OS and I had to go back to version 26 since I had a project due and don't have time to deal with this...


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Quite by accident I discovered the following steps, which provide partial relief for this issue.  

  1. Move an expression with the mouse.
  2. Immediately execute the Undo command.
  3. Immediately execute the Redo command.
  4. The expression pops back to the position you moved it to.  

This behavior seems consistent and reliable to me, but YMMV. Perhaps it's worth a shot.

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In FInale 27.1 on Big Sur this and many other bugs have not been fixed...

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Yep - can't believe it's taken them this long to correct these issues. I deleted v27 and went back to v26. I don't have time to deal with the work-arounds in v27 for something that should work.

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As did I.

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This problem disappeared for me with the upgrade to macOS Monterey.

Still, I'm amazed at the lack of communication from this company about the problem and what was causing it. They did post some work-arounds (using the arrow keys) but were pretty silent about it.

And how about the fact that after 20 years, the speedy entry dialog when you enter too many beats does not include the option to simply remain in the measure to correct the problem. Instead you have to go to the next measure, back space and THEN correct the problem. The fact that they haven't corrected this for decades is amazing.

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This problem disappeared for me with the upgrade to macOS Monterey.


That problem and others. 27 is usable for me now. Likewise, no Expressions issues in 26 either.


Still, I'm amazed at the lack of communication from this company about the problem and what was causing it.


I'm not sure they know. MM has had plenty of reports from me and the communication is regular. I have found additional issues (I think) but can't confirm till I test for them and see what I can and cannot duplicate and how. Step 1: reinstall NotePerformer and see what happens.


Interestingly, I found a number if issues with my system in this quest and fixing them improved the speed and stability of my iMac Pro. Unfortunately, not one has had any effect on Finale 27.

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I am totally frustrated with the extra time I have to spend when extracting parts and have to "move" many expression to pretty the part up for use by professional musicians.

I had hoped F 25.1.  would have solved the problem. Is anybody out there actually working at this so annoying and time wasting basic error.?  I know the so called work arounds, but.................

I notice an earlier post said that updating to Mac Os Monterey solved the problem.  I have always been reticent to up-date, so I am wondering if anyone else has done this and found the "expression" problem has gone?   

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For me, the problem disappeared on upgrading to Monterey. All back to normal (including the stupid ‘too many beats in this measure’ dialog that after 20 years STILL doesn’t include an option to actually go back to the measure and fix the number of beats. )

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At the risk of introducing a dad joke here, I’ll say that I’ve commented many a time that when MakeMusic has all bugs resolved and all features working as they should, they should change the name of the program to “Finally.”

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I notice an earlier post said that updating to Mac Os Monterey solved the problem.  


It does. Monterey solves problems with other apps, too, especially Apple Books which is critical in my work (weird because until that broke in Big Sur, I didn’t know it was important to me at all). Doesn’t fix other things. No OS has ever fixed everything—never has…


I have always been reticent to up-date, 


Sometimes, you have to get over that if you’re going to get things done.

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Thanks guys for your help.  Getting Monterey OS upgrade immediately solved the problem. I really needed this about 4 months ago as I have been flat out arranging music for a CD to be made in February.  I'm guessing this would have saved me hours of moving expressions on both score and parts.

I am very happy, Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I am still not being able to move tuplets in Monterey with the mouse. The problem is present in both Finale 26 and 27. Moving expressions is OK now. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem with tuplets?

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Hmmm… there was a new post but now it’s gone?

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