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big sur version 27


The keyboard controller does not work at all. Every time I strike a key the same note appears, instead of noes intended


So I tried another keyboard and it was the same problem. Then I tried another computer and it was the same problem.


Is it possible that the Finale file is corrupted? Or needs an up grade? I will send you a default document.


Psalm 42 copy



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What does Audio MIDI show?


Big Sur over what hardware? If Apple Silicon, it needs to run over Rosetta 2. What about your keyboard?

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And what does psalm 42 have to do with anything Finale-related?

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Richard, it sounds like you do not have Use MIDI Device for Input selected under the Speedy menu. When this is not selected, Speedy will use the entry caret to enter the pitch it is on when you hit the number pad duration desired. Make sure to check the Use MIDI Device for Input option under the Speedy menu and then you can control the pitch with your MIDI keyboard.

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To Mike Halloran

Very interesting, I never thought of that—audio midi setup.

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To Mike Rosen

Psalm 42 is the name of my piece. The file was meant to show some measures you might try on your own keyboard, but when I tried to drag it into my post it turned into a text

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To David Cusick
Not only do I play through midi devise, but it’s stuck there. Still I can type into the score, as if it were turned off

Thanks to all of you :-)

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Yes, Audio MIDI is in your Utilities folder. A version of this has been part of the MacOS since Finder 6.I_forget. If your keyboard doesn't show up there, Finale cannot see it. If a USB connection, Core Audio should just detect it.


If a DIN5, connector, your interface might require drivers—some do; others do not. If drivers are required, you may have to give them permissions to load through System Preferences/Security & Privacy. If required, this must be done within 30 minutes of install. Often a reboot is required before they then load on their own.


You cannot attach Finale files or .pdf to this board. You can upload a jpeg or png graphic. If so, Graphics/Export as in one way to generate a page. A screen shot of a Finale page is another. 

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Richard, thanks for the explanation.

The easiest way to post something is to take a screenshot, and drag the image file in.

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