I am a bass trombone player. Quote often while doing a big band arrangement, the fourth trombone/bass trombone part goes below E below the bass clef staff. Once you get below the E, the notes do not want to play back. Low Eb to Pedal Bb or lower is a common range for bass trombone, in all types of music, not just big band writing, currently. I do know how to change the color of those "out-of-range-notes," however this does not get them to play, even though they become black note heads.
Can I make some other setting to enable these low pitches to play? Is it an issue with my sound card in my desktop computer? I am not sure they will playback on my laptop, either. I have also noticed this might be an issue with some very 1st trumpet parts, not playing back, because of being out of the "normal" trumpet range.
As always, thanks so much for your help on this issue.
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