I just upgraded to Finale 27. I tried changing my default font from "Jazz" to the new "Finale Jazz" that comes with v27 and the clef symbols all change to generic ampersands and Cs. If this font missing the clef signs?

If I understand you correctly, you are editing a document created in an older Finale version - right?
Many weird things may happen when you do so.
As a test (not a solution), try creating a new document in Finale v27, and test whether the same problem happens in a new v27 document.
Now, for your actual problem of editing an older document.
Try this (it may not work, but it could not hurt to try it):
1) Change the font from Jazz to Maestro.
2) Change the font from Maestro to Finale Maestro.
3) Change the font from Finale Maestro to Finale Jazz.
The old Jazz was a licensed 3rd party font. I don't recall when it was announced that it would/could never be updated but that was many years ago (Finale 2012, maybe?). I remember discussions about it in the old forum that was deactivated five years ago.
There are a few workarounds but Peter's is the most efficient that I know.
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