I recently upgraded to Finale 27 and OS 12 on a brand new M1 Mac mini, including Garritan for Finale and Aria Player. However, I am not getting any sound through Garritan. Playback through MIDI works normally.
Midi/Audio is set to Play through Audio Units, Audio Units and Effects banks 1-32 are set to Aria Player, the two staves in Score Manager are set to Garritan For Finale Steinway piano. The first two slots of Aria player are set to Finale Default Bank Steinway Piano, but no sound comes forth when I depress the keys on the piano keyboard in the Aria window. I also have an older copy of GPO also installed on this computer, but I am not using it to play through Finale at the moment.
The new version of Aria Player (with no accompanying documentation) installed under Applications, not in the folder called Garritan Aria Player, which has the older version of Aria Player. After testing in this configuration, I just put the new version of Aria Player (now called Aria Player copy) in the Garritan Aria Player folder along with the other version and its documentation, but it didn't solve the problem.
Never had a problem before with Garritan for Finale. "It just worked" even through I know little about Garritan or Aria Player. What am I doing wrong this time? Thank you.
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