To make Finale space musical symbols taken from fonts properly, a font annotation file (.fan) is required. These files tell Finale how to handle the exact size of each symbol in the font. Finale includes annotation files for all of it's own music fonts. However if you use a font made by a 3rd party, you will most likely need to install a new font annotation file for it (which is usually provided by the developer of the font).
To install the annotation file, take the font annotation file and place it in the Font Annotation folder. You can find the correct file path (Finale 2011 and later) for your operating system in one of the options below...
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[your user account name]\Application Data*\MakeMusic\Finale [your version number]\Font Annotation
- Windows Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\[your user account name]\AppData*\Roaming\MakeMusic\Finale [your version number]\Font Annotation
- Mac OS X: Mac HD (your main hard drive name)/Users/[your user account name]/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale [your version number]/Font Annotation
*The "Application Data" and "AppData" folders are hidden by default. To view these folders go to the Window's Explorer Tools menu (XP) or the Organize menu (Vista/7/8/10), then "Folder and Search Options", click the "View" tab, and select the "Show hidden files and folders" option.