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Dear Mr. Dell'Era,
I hope this message finds you well.
As a long-time user of Finale since 1995, I’m reaching out to express my thoughts and concerns regarding the recent decision to discontinue the development of Finale. Over the years, Finale has been an invaluable tool in my work as a musician and composer, and I must admit that I was deeply disappointed to learn of this development.
One critical issue I would like to bring to your attention is the need for seamless integration between Finale and Dorico. Specifically, it would be extremely beneficial if Finale files could be opened directly in Dorico, rather than solely relying on MusicXML as the intermediary format. The current approach does not fully preserve the nuances and details that many of us have meticulously crafted in our Finale projects and musical scores!
Given the many years I and countless others have invested in using Finale, I believe it would be a responsible and user-centric move to ensure that transitioning to other software platforms is as smooth as possible. The ability to directly open Finale files in Dorico would greatly ease this transition and demonstrate a continued commitment to your loyal user base.
I appreciate your consideration of this suggestion and look forward to any steps MakeMusic might take to address this important matter.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Richard Graf
(composer, vice-rector JAM MUSIC LAB University)


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I totally support this!

I have created a great deal of material in Finale.
I do not have the time to transfer everything in the way you have now proposed. And I am concerned about the sustainability of my files.
Make sure that the Finale files are and remain directly readable in other software packages, without the cumbersome procedure via XML.

I point out your responsibility to all musicians who have trusted you and your software for many years.

Wietse Meinardi, organist, music teacher, choirmaster and composer, Netherlands


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me too

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This just isn't possible for a whole load of technical and practical reasons. If you think MM could do this, then they could equally write their own brand new app that could open Finale files flawlessly, solving all the problems with the existing code.  

Steinberg isn't going to share their special sauce recipe with MM, in any case. Perhaps MM would give up Finale's internals to the Dorico team, but they are unlikely to shut down production on Dorico while they work on this. As said, there are also impossible circles to square in the way they both represent data. 

But the most important issue is financial: such a task would engage a team of developers for years. Finale is already a loss-making entry on the books. This would be throwing more money at it, for no gain.

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This just isn't possible for a whole load of technical and practical reasons.

This just isn't true. It may be a daunting task but consider XML does exactly that. Perhaps poorly but it does.

Finale is already a loss-making entry on the books.

So what was the harm to leave it as is until no one ever d/l it again, ah,... none! Just maintain a small portion of the web site which MM has already said they will do indefinitely. 

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I'm sure you know best. I'm only saying what Michael Good, the inventor of XML, has said elsewhere. 


We can all  suggest alternative courses of action that MM might take / have taken. But to no effect.

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Anything is possible if the will and money is there. MM had neither. Plus how they handled it was terrible.

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MM has $15B at their disposal if Peaksware Holdings, LLC wants them to spend it. is now a cloud based company specializing in education. This was made very clear at NAMM a few weeks ago.


The decision has been made to discontinue Finale development but keep support through August and the license servers running indefinitely while making crossgrade paths available. Considering that Peaksware could have just pulled the plug last summer, I think it's being handled pretty well.

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 I think it's being handled pretty well.

Doesn't surprise me a bit coming from you.

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Doesn't surprise me a bit coming from you.


Stupid remarks like that coming from you don't surprise anyone.


When you think that 

Peaksware could have just pulled the plug last summer, 


I have to agree with MIKE HALLORAN. "It's being handled pretty well". Could it be better? Sure but it isn't. 


Grow up, Ernie.


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Peaksware could have just pulled the plug last summer, 

They did until they got so much negative feedback they made a few face saving changes.

Wise up PF Slow

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