Dear Mr. Dell'Era,
I hope this message finds you well.
As a long-time user of Finale since 1995, I’m reaching out to express my thoughts and concerns regarding the recent decision to discontinue the development of Finale. Over the years, Finale has been an invaluable tool in my work as a musician and composer, and I must admit that I was deeply disappointed to learn of this development.
One critical issue I would like to bring to your attention is the need for seamless integration between Finale and Dorico. Specifically, it would be extremely beneficial if Finale files could be opened directly in Dorico, rather than solely relying on MusicXML as the intermediary format. The current approach does not fully preserve the nuances and details that many of us have meticulously crafted in our Finale projects and musical scores!
Given the many years I and countless others have invested in using Finale, I believe it would be a responsible and user-centric move to ensure that transitioning to other software platforms is as smooth as possible. The ability to directly open Finale files in Dorico would greatly ease this transition and demonstrate a continued commitment to your loyal user base.
I appreciate your consideration of this suggestion and look forward to any steps MakeMusic might take to address this important matter.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Richard Graf
(composer, vice-rector JAM MUSIC LAB University)

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