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I haven't seen a recent forum post here mentioning A well-meaning subscriber of suggested that I use a plug-in from The plug-in seemed to be correct in description and characteristics, but I can't get it to appear in the Plug-ins menu. I was hoping to get help with it here, or at least confirmation that it won't be compatible with Finale 27, either Silicon or Rosetta under Silicon. If you  answer that it should work, I can provide details. If such a plug-in is know not to be compatible, are there other third party plug-ins of any kind that are compatible? Thanks.


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… I can't get it to appear in the Plug-ins menu …


Please specify the steps you‘ve already taken (to solve the problem), so that we can rule out things.


Without more info we can only guess.

My first guess:

There are two identical Finale folder hierarchies, with identically named folders (including a Plug-ins sub-folder in both folder hierarchies).


One resides in the Library folder at root level.

This is Finale’s “backup” for restoring essential folders or files that are missing.


The other one resides in the Library folder in your user account.


* In which Plug-ins sub-folder did you place the plug-in?

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If you have a M1 Mac and Finale 27.2 (with is native), JW plug-in won't work, as they are not native. But you can use them in Rosetta mode. MakeMusic announced that 8 rewritten (native) JW plug-ins will be integrated in the new update of Finale (27.3)

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8 rewritten (native) JW plug-ins will be integrated in the new update of Finale (27.3)


If you can wait and you are using a Mac this is going to be fantastic for those of us that love, like me, JW plug-ins. MM has been at it for some time now so I hope they are nearing completion soon.

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Thanks. I am elated to hear that new plug-ins will soon be available. However, let me run my observations by you, please, just in case I've overlooked something.

I can't make any item appear in the Plug-ins menu for the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in, no matter which subfolder of the Plug-ins folder hierarchy I put it in, whether I move it and the folder I created for it (that's how I know I'm working with the correct Plug-ins folder, because the folder I created for it only exists in one place on my system, and appears without any submenus in the Plug-ins menu of Finale 27), and whether or not I force inheritance of all parent folders permissions for that folder and restart Finale 27 and/or the computer.

Launching Finale with a check mark in the Rosetta check box in the Info window for made no difference for me.
If it works for you, I suspect that it may be related to the fact that I'm using an M1 Silicon Mac. Could that be it? I'm confident that I'm using the right folder, because not only is the specified path correct, but other plug-ins (for example, TG Tools) disappear from the plug-in menu if I remove their containing folders from my particular Plug-ins folder and relaunch

I downloaded from the following link, and the name of the downloaded, unzipped file (the package I'm placing in the hierarchy of Plug-ins folders) is "jwstaffpolyphony64.bundle": ... hony-v1-14

If you have an M1 Silicon Mac, macOS 12.6, Rosetta enabled for the Finale app, and can currently make any of the JW plug-ins appear in Finale's Plug-ins menu, please let me know if you can find an error in my attempts at configuring.


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… I can't make any item appear in the Plug-ins menu for the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in, no matter which subfolder of the Plug-ins folder hierarchy I put it in, whether I move it and the folder I created for it (that's how I know I'm working with the correct Plug-ins folder, because the folder I created for it only exists in one place on my system, and appears without any submenus in the Plug-ins menu of Finale 27), and whether or not I force inheritance of all parent folders permissions for that folder and restart Finale 27 and/or the computer …


Just a wild guess:

You can only see one Library folder - and that is the Library folder at root level - right?

You can not see a Library folder in your user account - right?

My guess is that your user account’s Library folder is hidden.

Try this:

In the Finder, hold down the Option key, and pull down the Go menu.

When the Option key is down, the hidden Library folder will appear in the Go menu.

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OK, thanks.

Let's see here.

  • "You can only see one Library folder - and that is the Library folder at root level"

I can certainly see the Library folder at root level of the Data volume of the internal boot volume pair.

  • "You can not see a Library folder in your user account - right?"

No, I've had visibility enabled for my user Library folder for quite sometime. The path to the active Plug-ins folder as shown in  Finale's Preferences' Folders entry (modified here for public suitability) is "/Users/(me)/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 27/Plug-ins". If I add an empty folder to that Plug-ins folder, it appears as a menu item in Finale's plug-in menu. All other plugins in the subfolders of that Plug-ins folder appear in the submenus of their perspective containing folders in Finale. When placed into any subfolder of  that Plug-ins folder, the JW Staff Polyphony item doesn't display any submenus in the Plug-ins menu in Finale, whether or not I have launched Finale 27 with Rosetta enabled in its Get Info window or not. Assuming there isn't a different way to access that particular plug-in's menu items, I don't see any evidence that it is installed.


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In the Finder, hold down the Option key, and pull down the Go menu.

When the Option key is down, the hidden Library folder will appear in the Go menu.


When in the Library folder, you can right-click to find a check box that makes the folder permanently visible.


Otherwise, a couple of things:

I have had installers install plug-ins in the wrong folder. If 27 is an upgrade, make sure that the plugins are installed in Library/Application Support/Makemusic/Finale 27 and not in Library/Application Support/Makemusic/Finale or Library/Application Support/Makemusic/Finale 26. Easy to correct with by Copy/Paste into the correct directory.

Also, after opening 27 over Rosetta 2 to see the plug-ins not loading, I found that rebooting, reinstalling the plug-ins and rebooting again fixed me up.


Although 27.3 will have 8 updated JW plug-ins included, those aren't the only install plug-ins that Finale can use and the above solutions did not apply to Jari's plugs because I didn't have problems with them. Anyway, I've been down this road and MM Support was most helpful.

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"and the above solutions did not apply to Jari's plugs"

Well, I guess that's not hard to understand. But, just to be certain, are you saying that I won't be able to use that particular plug-in until I replace it with a version included with the 27.3 update? 


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I didn't state that well and will edit my post. Those solutions didn't apply because I didn't have problems with the older JW plug-ins. In my case, I simply copied them from the Finale26 directory to 27.

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Thank you for the explanation.

Actually, the JW Staph Polyphony plug-in submenu did begin to appear in Finale 27's Plug-in submenu, but only after I performed the following actions, which, notably, did not include moving the plug-in or selecting a different path for the Plug-ins folder. The plug-in remains in the subfolder I initially created for it in "/Users/(me)/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 27/Plug-ins". I began to wonder what cached preferences might be interfering, then I performed the following actions.

In Finale 27's Preference>Folders, where I had already enabled the designated path to the previously noted Plug-ins folder, I additionally specified the following two folder paths. (They were already specified in the Folders window of Preferences, but had no check marks in their check boxes, and were grayed out. I put a check mark in their check boxes, but made no changes to the paths listed.)

Configuration Files

Temp Files

Then I ensured that Finale wasn't running, and went to the designated Temp folder in Finder, moving all its contents to the trash and emptying the trash. I made sure the Rosetta check box contained a check mark for, then restarted, and launched Finale again.

(I've edited this submission shortly after posting to include the information that I accepted the paths already listed for the two folders, Configuration Files and Caches, which already designated folders nested in my user folder.)

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I think the plug-in folder is NOT in the user library, but in the computer/your disk -> library.

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I believe that may be the case by default, but Finale does make it possible to customize that preference. Apparently, the issue I was experiencing has more to do with information that Finale tries to preserve than with information it uses.

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I would recommend against moving those folders. Just because, you can, doesn’t mean you should. Finale gets confused easily, when something isn’t where it expects to find it. If you move it for your convenience of finding it later, leave it where it is, and create a shortcut to get there.

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First, let me reiterate that my problem is solved, thanks.

Second, I feel motivated to tell you that I tried the defaults first, and they didn't work. What I may have failed to communicate is that my issue appears to have arisen due to the fact that I upgraded Finale rather than installing it on a clean system. If I hadn't arrived at my solution, I probably would have tried creating a test user on the Mac to see if the problem persisted (which now I know it probably wouldn't have).

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I also feel the need to reply to this topic to say that my solution only lasted until I opened a document created before I applied that solution. It appears that by opening such a document, I've managed to utterly undo the fix that appeared to work previously.


I've also tried the default plug-ins folder (having a path based on the Library folder appearing at the root level of the Data volume of the internal boot volume pair), as well as wiping caches without success. So I have to conclude that I can make these plug-ins work, but only at the expense of opening older Finale documents. Needless to say, this makes me consider the entire scenario of using Rosetta mode to enable older plug-ins somewhat less than robust, which causes me to look forward to the release of the upcoming 27.3 Finale update with even greater anticipation.


Thanks to all who responded.

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